Studies & Trials
Streamz Global highly value the need to show our readers how our unique magnetic technology creates results. As we strive towards obtaining 'clinical proof' ongoing studies and trials have been developed and carried out to support efficacy claims for marketing purposes and work towards full PHD level peer-reviewed clinical trials.

Clinical Equine Studies
Clinical Studies (double-blind).
Joint Mobility & Overtrack (gait analysis).
Two separate clinically controlled double-blind studies were completed by Writtle University using EQU StreamZ fetlock bands. Each study was carried out with an aim to evaluate the StreamZ technology and establish the benefits of use on horses. Specific studies based on StreamZ claims were developed, controlled and analysed independently.
Writtle University College is one of the largest land-based universities in the UK, boasting world renowned equine facilities including their recently opened Centre for Equine and Animal Science (CEQAS) and their extensive equine centre.

Clinical Canine Studies
Clinical Study (double-blind).
Joint Mobility on a squad of flyball dogs.
A clinically controlled double-blind study was completed by Writtle University using DOG StreamZ smart collars. The study was carried out with an aim to evaluate the StreamZ technology and establish the benefits of use on dogs and in particularly the impact on joint mobility. A study was developed, controlled and analysed independently.
Writtle University College is one of the largest land-based universities in the UK, boasting world renowned canine facilities including their recently opened Centre for Equine and Animal Science (CEQAS) and their links with The Retired Greyhound Trust.

Thermal Image Evaluation
Infrared Thermal Imaging study to establish impact of heat produced by StreamZ.
Independent studies were carried out by Thermology UK, using the most advanced thermal imaging technology. As specialists within the equine community studies were evaluated on a horse with a splint injury who wore traditional magnetic boots on two legs and EQU StreamZ bands on the others.
The aim of this evaluation was to establish the difference in thermal activity between traditional magnetic therapy which create additional heat and StreamZ unique resonance therapy process; and provide visual evidence of these changes in the technology using top-of-the-range infrared cameras.

Mobility study on horses
Anecdotal study by StreamZ on 40 horses diagnosed with arthritic pain.
This anecdotal study was developed in house to provide efficacy evidence for marketing purposes, particularly on claims that EQU StreamZ supports mobility issues such as joint conditions.
Forty (40) horses previously diagnosed with arthritic symptoms and showing a lack of mobility were selected and evaluated by their owners for 30 days. Many of these horses had been administered NSAID medications as a form of pain relief and were looking to establish what impact EQU StreamZ fetlock bands would have on their horses pain levels and recovery process.

Behaviour study on dogs
DOG StreamZ impact on canine behaviour. Anecdotal study carried out by industry experts, Dogzaloud.
StreamZ partnered with Dogzaloud; leading canine behaviour experts in the UK. The team at Dogzaloud independently sourced 14 dogs who had no previous experience of StreamZ and dogs with specific and recognised behaviour issues.
The aim of this study was to create efficacy evidence to support claims that StreamZ supports behaviour issues in dogs.

Windgalls study on horses
Windgalls Study Group.
Across 25 horses with Windgalls.
This study was developed in house to provide efficacy evidence. Twenty-five (25) horses previously diagnosed with windgalls (wind puffs) were sourced using social media and evaluated by their owners for 30 days. Many of these horses had been administered varying treatments and medications and were looking to establish what impact EQU StreamZ fetlock bands would have on their horses windgalls and recovery process.

Ringbone study on horses
Ringbone Study Group.
Across 25 horses diagnosed with Ringbone.
This study was developed in house to provide efficacy evidence. Twenty-five (25) horses previously diagnosed with ringbone were sourced using social media and evaluated by their owners for 30 days. Many of these horses had been administered varying treatments and medications and were looking to establish what impact EQU StreamZ fetlock bands would have on their horses ringbone symptoms.

Inflammation study on horses
Inflammation Study Group.Across 11 horses with inflammation (in leg).
This 30-day study was developed in house to provide efficacy evidence when asked if EQU StreamZ can help with inflammatory issues in horses. As the route of all pain has been established as a direct result of inflammation, providing a natural and long term anti-inflammatory response would be of significant interest to the equine community and medical authorities across the world.