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EQU Streamz inflammation in horses. Horse with inflamed fetlock with results on 10 horses with inflammatory response.

Inflammation in horses | Treatments and Results of Advanced Magnetism Study on Horses Suffering with Inflammation

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Inflammation in horses | Treatments and Results of Advanced Magnetism Study on Horses Suffering with Inflammation

Inflammation in horses | Treatments and Results of Advanced Magnetism Study on Horses Suffering with Inflammation

According to our current scientific understanding, the origin of all pain is inflammation and the inflammatory response created by the living system.  

Irrespective of what type of pain (acute, chronic pain, peripheral or central pain, nociceptive or neuropathic pain) the underlying origin of all pain is caused by the bodies inflammatory response. 

Within the equine community having to deal with a variety of inflammatory conditions is common, from superficial inflammatory responses such as Windgalls to trauma injuries and joint conditions - our horses experience a wide variety of inflammatory responses and as such experience various levels of pain.

In many cases horses will develop a level of lameness when experiencing pain. Further inflammatory responses are seen in horses with arthritis, joint conditions or diseases, 

Inflammation is however one way a horses natural immune system responds to injuries or trauma and can support the living system isolate foreign bacteria. In essence, inflammation or swelling is not always bad!

Horse owners are continuously looking to support their horses inflammatory conditions and use a wide magnitude of products, therapies and treatments to support a reduction in inflammation. From cold-hosing and compression bandaging to infra-red therapy and pulsed electro-magnetic field (PEMF) therapy. 

Adopted treatments which are now commonly recommend by vets, which remain complementary treatments as they are not support by medical science, include therapies such as acupuncture, remedial shoeing, physiotherapy and carefully managing the horses diet. 

Traditional magnetic devices have claimed to help reduce inflammation for many years, whilst developing a mixed reputation for their success rates. With recent advancements in quantum physics and the development of more advanced biomagnetic technologies a new and exciting technology is now available to the equine community - EQU StreamZ Advanced Magnetic Horse Bands.

One thing is clear amongst the equine community, the market for holistic and complementary approaches used alongside mainstream medicines continues to expand and create wide-spread support.

Creating an inflammatory response, naturally and without side-effects, would create significant interest within the equestrian communities across the world.

As a new and exciting addition to the complementary tack market - a study on a group of horse owners actively looking to reduce their horses inflammatory response was created.  

Independently locating 10 horses with an inflammatory condition

A survey was compiled to establish what impact Advanced Magnetism could generate across a number of horses who were experiencing an inflammatory response. 

Social media channels were used to promote the purpose of the study with various conditions agreed to in advance from each owner. 

Each horse would continue to be treated using the same methods as they’d previously been trying and over a 28-day study period. They agreed that they had never used StreamZ magnetism beforehand and that each horse would wear the bands continuously for the period of the study. 

From StreamZ perspective, none of the owners were known to the organisation beforehand and candidates were chosen on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis with one horse allowed per owner. These terms were established to create a non-biased approach which would enforce the credibility of the study results once completed. 

Successful candidates were sent a free pair of EQU StreamZ horse bands to be wrapped around their horses legs and left on the horse for 28-days. After 28-days a second survey was sent to the owner to complete.

Introducing the horses who joined the initial study

We take a quick look at some of the horses joining the study and why their owners were keen for them to be part of the study group.   

“Jazz is 16 years old and is 16’2 hands. He is a warmblood cross thoroughbred and damaged his superficial digital flexor tendon around 18-months ago. Our vet has since confirmed the tendon has healed but we know it is prone to swelling on that limb since the injury. He is stabled overnight to ensure he rests and has swelling in the limb every morning. His back leg also continuously stocks up with fluid. I have tried compression bandages in the past but they have not really made a difference so we are very keen to see if the EQU Streamz magnetic bands can help him.” - Christine. 

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

“Winnie is a 15'2 hands skewbald cob mare who will be 16 years old later this year. She started having periods of mild lameness last September and about two months ago she became mildly lame again. When schooling her, when she's warmed up it would normally dissipate but this time around it was not going away at all. We called out the vet who said she had inflammation and increased heat in the front top part of the foot. When he did a flexion test on all four legs she was lame in her front left leg. He said she had swelling of her coffin bone which was probably down to arthritis in her pedal bone. We gave her a course of anti inflammatory painkillers for a few weeks and are keen to provide her with ongoing support moving forward.” - Julie

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

“Oliver is 21 years old and I rescued him as a 3 month foal and he’s been with me ever since. He suffered a nasty injury when a horse kicked him in the field with both back feet and experiences signs of arthritis in his hocks and hips and gets swelling down his legs. He then developed a bad case of laminitis which our vet advised could warrant putting him to sleep for. As I have had him all his life I was sure that we could help him so I opted to treat him myself and see how we got on. I feel Oliver would be an ideal candidate join your study as he has used traditional magnetic bands with limited results in the past and would benefit greatly if your technology did what it says it does!” - Donna.

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

“Tia is 13 years old and is around 15’1 hands. She is a very loving girl and recently begun to suffer with swelling in her back legs when stood in the stable for long periods of time. She is ridden around one to two times a week and she’s a monkey! We would love to see what impact the EQU Streamz bands have on her after reading such positive reviews.” - Chloe

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

"I purchased Annie in July 2021. Unfortunately in March 2021 she got her left hind leg stuck in some fencing and ripped part of her hoof away. She was under the care of the vet, had a period of 8 weeks box rest to allow the hoof to regrow and then given the all clear to restart her recovery with gradual light work. This is when I bought her. I slowly introduced her back to long reigning, lunging and then light riding and progressed with her over the winter. However, the windgall type swelling has always remained on that left hind. No pain, no lameness and leg was scanned and x-rayed. The swelling does change a little with turnout and work, reduces slightly and goes much softer but never actually goes completely. I have used some magnetic fetlock boots, but they can only be worn for a period of four hours and have also used stable bandages with limited success. When her fetlock boots are removed the swelling has sometimes softened but as they can only be worn for four hours a day as they create so much heat the swelling then becomes firm again. The thing that caught my attention with EQU StreamZ is that they can be worn 24 hours a day and only removed for exercise. I will be really interested to see the effect they have on her.” - Louise

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

“My horse Red turned 22 years old in April and I have owned him since he was 5 years old, so 17 years! He is part bred Andalusian and lives up to his breed as the most loving and intelligent horse. I love him to bits! We have competed up to medium dressage and were training towards advanced medium with the dream of riding at PSG but sadly due to stifle issues we had to retire him from competing. He has recently been diagnosed with arthritis in his hocks, which I think is pretty good going considering his age. I am still riding him and we enjoy gentle hacking around the Hampshire countryside. I have had his hocks medicated which has made him more comfortable and I am really interested to see if the EQU StreamZ will help keep the inflammation at bay and give us both a few more years of happy hacking.” - Sarah

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

“Our horse Sandro is an ex racer who is 10 years old. He was forced to retire due to a severe tendon injury and he nearly didn’t make it! He experiences stiffness and swelling in that leg and we are very keen to see what impact the EQU StreamZ magnetic bands have on him” - Francesca 

EQU Streamz inflammation study image with horses inflammatory responses

Evaluating the data taken prior to the 28-day study period

Surveys were carried out using an industry leading survey tool called QuestionPro. Surveys were sent via email to each candidate and filled in prior to the bands being shipped. 

Interesting data from the initial survey

We pick out a few highlights from the data collected within the first study. 

You can read the complete survey by clicking here. (takes you to Question Pro)

The age of the horses within the study

Although the age of horses suffering from inflammatory responses will vary as young sports horses can experience swelling or inflammation after competing or through injury, it is widely accepted that as horses get older further complications around inflammation can occur. 

50% of horses within the study were between the age of 4 and 11 and 50% were above the age of 16, potentially indicating that as owners we begin to see further inflammatory complications as the horses get older. 

EQU Streamz magnetic horse bands inflammation survey The age of the horses within the study

How long has the horse been suffering from an inflammatory response for? 

The study group contained 66% of horses who had suffered from their inflammatory condition for more than 6 months. This represented a long-term issue and one where the owners had attempted several other therapies and treatments beforehand.

Monitoring the effects of the technology on these 66% of horses and how quickly advanced magnetism creates an inflammatory response will be of interest. 

EQU Streamz inflammation study on horses  and the age of the horses within the study

What was the main cause of the inflammatory response? 

40% of the study group said their horse was suffering through inflammation related to arthritis whilst the other 40% said it was via a direct trauma or specific injury. 

This provides readers with interesting data if their horse is suffering in a similar way but does mean further studies would be beneficial on horse suffering from micro-trauma conditions from repetitive standing and joint injections or diseases. 

How long does it take for the inflammation to reduce when turned out? 

A key factor when managing your horses inflammation is how the swelling will dissipate when turning the horse out. In this study group, half of the horses did not see a reduction in inflammation when turning their horse out. 

EQU Streamz inflammation blog image how long does inflammation take to dissipate after turnout

Are previously used treatments working effectively? 

Results are key with any approach. Within the study group 70% of horse owners said that the previous/existing methods to treat their horse were woking effectively. For advanced magnetism to make a considerable impact within the equine community is is vital to show a faster response when comparing the technology to other treatments. 

EQU Streamz inflammation survey blog image showing whether current methods are working effectively

The initial study laid the foundations for the 28-day study. 



Unfortunately, one of the candidates with in the study group was unable to follow the criteria to be included within the results, meaning that the initial study group contained results from 9 owners. Although a small group, results would indicate whether further studies would be worthwhile at a clinically-controlled, peer-reviewable level. For the purpose of being consistent with our findings and the survey the 10th horse is included within the percentage stats. 

We take a peak at some of the most interesting stats from the study. You can read the complete study results by clicking here (takes you directly to the survey)

Have you noticed a reduction in the inflammation/swelling/filling?

EQU Streamz bands - do they help horses inflammation and swellingThe 10% who said no was due to the fact that the horse was unable to use the bands for 28 days and as such the owner was unable to say the bands had created an inflammatory response.

All horses (100%) who wore the bands for 28 days said their horses inflammation or swelling had been reduced. 


Aside from any possible changes in inflammation/swelling/filling, were any additional observations noted during the trial period relating to your horses MOBILITY levels?  

Have the EQU Streamz bands provided any support to your horses mobility levels

When looking to reduce inflammation and any pain associated to the inflammatory response many horses will show indications of their mobility improving. A 'side-benefit' of using the EQU StreamZ bands. 


Do you feel the bands have helped the general wellbeing and overall demeanour of your horse?

As horse owners we know when our horse is feeling their best, or not. Often by reducing levels of inflammation then their pain levels are reduced and this can result in an improvement in their demeanour and overall wellbeing. 

Do you feel the bands have helped the general wellbeing and overall demeanour of your horse?..................................................................................................................................

After this study, will you be extending the amount of pasture/turnout time the horse receives?

After this study, will you be extending the amount of pasture/turnout time the horse receives?


Would you recommend EQU StreamZ horse bands to other horse owners as a complementary method to help reduce the symptoms of inflammation?

 Would you recommend EQU StreamZ horse bands to other horse owners as a complementary method to help reduce the symptoms of inflammation or swelling or leg filling



"Winnie didn't seem as stiff in her front feet when turning to the left or right from standing still. When I was trotting her she was more foreword going and generally seems more chilled out."Julie & Winnie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Julie also advised us that Winnie showed an improvement with her inflammation within 14 days and that her mobility and energy levels were both improved. Both Julie and Winnie would give the bands 5 stars!

Inflammation in horses treatment feedback from winnie and julie giving equ streamz 5 stars for reducing inflammation

 "These EQU StreamZ magnetic bands are just amazing!! The difference they have made to Oliver is massive so I immediately bought their wristbands for me and my parents because they are so amazing! There are no words to describe how brilliant they are!"Donna & Oliver ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Oliver feedback on EQU Streamz magnetic bands to help his inflammation and giving streamz 5 stars for inflammatory response and improved mobility

The results from this study have amazed me! The historical swelling has almost gone, no longer noticeable at all. I am completely sold by this technology….they have done exactly what they claim to do. They are so easy to use. The swelling has dramatically reduced! I am super happy. Annie has been turned out with them on and they have stayed in place and I love the way the bands can stay on for 24 hours and just removed for exercise….super easy!"Louise & Annie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Annie feedback on equ streamz helping to reduce her inflamed fetlocks and showing inflammatory response which amazed

"By far these are the best thing I’ve come across. A must for my fur baby! I purchased an ex racer with a tendon injury he’s a happy soul but his leg is very swollen and nothing worked in the scar tissue. Fast forward 4 weeks and the swollen tendon is down from 33cm to 31cm which I never thought it would go down to. He’s also full of energy. My vet and farrier said at the start of the year he would need 'egg bars' to support the injury as soon as the ground gets hard but the farrier came out and decided that right now he’s going to leave it because he’s so happy with the progress. Even the vet was looking at the wrong leg as it’s hardly noticeable!! I would not be without these bands now and I keep telling everyone about them. They are just amazing!" Francesca & Sandro ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

EQU Strea,z inflammation treatment shows amazing results with sandro on his swollen fetlocks 

In Summary 

StreamZ were delighted with the results of the survey and the feedback received following the 28-day study. The technology impacted every horse with over half of them reducing (or completely stopping!) anti-inflammatory medications. Many of them now receive more turnout time and every owner within the study would recommend the use of the technology on other horses suffering with inflammation. 

For StreamZ to claim "100% of horses within this study group saw a reduction in inflammation" is clearly a statistic which allows us to pursue further studies and provide a level of efficacy evidence regarding an inflammatory response.

Watch this space.....


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Matt Campbell

Matt is a leading expert in the magnetic therapy industry and writes articles for StreamZ Global and various other publications.